jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

Flash Informativo

Sabías que el Capoeira es un excelente ejercicio para equilibrar mente y cuerpo????

Además de ser una expresión cultural afrobrasileña originada en Brasil, es una disciplina complicada por el equilibrio, concentración y coordinación de movimientos que debes tener.

Aquí podemos observar a nuestros compañeros de prepa realizando una presentación en la semana cultural de los universitarios.

Por Cultura y Deporte


There are many tips to study so it could be easier and your time would be shorter. You could do some key words that would make you remember phrases that are hard for you to study. You could also make a cheat cheat or a study guide so it would make it easier for you to remember stuff.

Another thing you can do is a study group or just with a friend and ask each other questions. Last but not least, once you have studied and your sure you know most of the stuff, make yourself a test so you could focus on what you don’t know.

Something else you can do is ask the teachers for a study guide. You could base your study on that so you could know basically what’s going to be on the test. You could ask them what’s going to be on the test and focus on that basic stuff so you wont have to study something that you don’t have to so you wont be waist your time.

The last option you could choose is highlight the main things on the test and make the phrases or sentences shorter. That would make it easier for you to remember the stuff. It wont be so complicated like trying to remember everything in the exact words. You could change the words to something more plain for you to remember and study.

Those are some study tips you could work on. You could also thing stuff that might help your study easier.

Paulina Olivares 401

iI s’appelle Gerard Arthur Way Lee
il est le leader et co-fondateur du groupe My Chemical Romance.
Il a 32 ans
Il est americain
Il habite a Newark New Jersey
Sa mére s’appelle Donna Lee
Son pére s’appelle Arthur Way
Il a un frère, il s’apelle Mickey way et il est joue de la basse dans le
même groupe
Gerard s'est marié avec Lyn-Z à Denver le 3 Septembre 2007

Ordoñez González ayte 2001


Successful students have good study habits. Here I give you some to start working on.

• Try not to do too much studying at one time.
If you try to do too much studying at one time, you will get tired and your studying will not be very effective. Space the work you have to do over shorter periods of time. If you take short brakes your mental energy will restore.
• Plan specific times for studying.
Study time is any time you are doing something related to schoolwork. It can be completing assigned reading, working on a paper project, or studying for a test. Schedule specific times throughout the week for your study time.
• Try to study at the same times each day.
Studying at the same times each day establishes a routine that becomes a regular part of your life, just like sleeping and eating. When a scheduled study time comes up during the day, you will be mentally prepared to begin studying.
• Set specific goals for their study times.
Goals will help you stay focused and monitor your progress. Simply sitting down to study has a little value. You must be very clear about what you want to accomplish during your study times.

By: Teacher Sergio Vijosa Muñoz

2 comentarios:

「Aku-san」 dijo...

Soy una chica de preparatoria del selectivo de Capoeira( alias MASTER ÑERA, por parte de mis compañeros del selectivo), antes que nada solo quiero decir que la capoeira, ademas de fortalecer mente y cuerpo, tambien sirve para desestrezarte, para liberarte, ya que antes los africanos, como se habian prohibido las peleas, ellos crearon la capoeira como forma de expresarse, de liberarse, asi nosotros tambien podemos usar la capoeira, o como algunos, solo por diversion, asi que quiero dar mi opinion de que la Capoeira es uno de los mejores, y el beneficio de ello, es que te vuelves mas hagil y flexible(esto es beneficioso en Educacion Fisca), me gustaria que hubiera un poco mas de personas en el selectivo, pero que no solo entren por diversion, si no por que realmente quieren, ya que la Capoeira, debo de admitir, no es tan facil como parece, si quieren ver mas fotos de capoeira visiten mi correo electronico: sirenita1988@live.com, en la parte de fotos, en la carpeta donde dice Capoeira en la UVM, veran mas imagenes sobre el selectivo, o si quieren saber mas sobre este selectivo o cualquier otro vayan al Departamento de Cultura y Deporte, ahi tendran información sobre algun selectivo.
P.D.: Adoro la Capoeira, y la verdad No me he arrepentido de haber tomado esta decisión y ¡AXE CAPOEIRA! ¡AXE!

Anónimo dijo...

Tudo Bem? fascinante este blogue está muito posicionado.........bom estilo:)
Gostei muito Continua deste modo !!