martes, 9 de marzo de 2010


Spring is one of the four temperate seasons, the transition period between winter and summer. Its days are close to twelve hours long with increasing day length, as it occurs near the time of an equinox. Is a particular type of season that is experienced in the temperate climatic zones. Spring is an intermediate seasonal phase in between winter and summer. Spring signifies the emergence of new life. Spring months are the blossoming months that bring meaningful growth and rejuvenation in its wake. Spring enriches natural beauty and it seems as if nature is dressed in a beautiful green gown.

This season arrives during different parts of the year in the North and South of the world. Places, which are situated in the north experience the spring season from March to May while in the southern part of the world, September to November is the springtime. Vernal Equinox indicates the arrival of spring season while the Summer Solstice announces its departure.
In the Northern Hemisphere, spring runs from March into June, and in the Southern Hemisphere it runs from September into November. Spring is also the tropical cyclone season in both hemispheres, although it is delayed longer in the North Atlantic Ocean than the other ocean basins.

By Monica Aguilar Morales

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