martes, 26 de enero de 2010

More to know

Candelaria Party

Our Lady of Candelaria, a popular festival celebrated by Christians, in honor of the Virgen de la Candelaria, which appeared in Tenerife (Canary Islands) in the early fifteenth century. It takes place on February 2, Candlemas Day, and in some places extends over several days it usually being the patron of the place.
In Mexico, Candlemas Day is customary for the boy who got hidden in the rosca de reyes have a party (traditionally based on tamales and gruel, both products of corn. This tradition has pre-Hispanic roots, in many villages the inhabitants have to their ears the church to be blessed to plant their crops in the agricultural cycle begins, on February 2 coincides with the eleventh day of the first month of the Mexican calendar, when there was some tlaloques gods, according to Fray Bernardino de Sahagun. In Central Mexico is customary to dress the baby Jesus's birth and bring Christmas to hear Mass, after which it is placed in a niche where he remained the rest of the year.

The Mexican dish

Most Mexicans eat tamales during the year, but the taste for this dish is increased Candlemas Day.
This date is special to eat some tasty tamales, as well as tradition dictates after the sixth of January, Three Kings Day when family and friends gather to break the thread, as those are removed the child, or the doll, as some say, should invite all those gathered to taste the typical dish.
After Mass, a blessing of the Holy Child is returned to the house to celebrate the event with tamales and atole. This food has great influence Aztec. At that time the tamales stuffed with sweet peppers, tomatoes and ground pumpkin seeds, mixed with the meat of pheasants, quail and turkeys.
The tamales are craving for children, youth and adults and in every region of the country are compiled in accordance with their customs and preferences.

Mitzi Caballero
Group 401

Mexican Constitution

Let me introduce myself I’m Alan from 401 and I’m going to talk about, as the title says, Mexican constitution. I’m not going to talk too much about the subject; I’m just going to talk about some general aspects and important points of it.
Well as you know the constitution it has 136 articles and 16 transitory articles. The constitution made in 1917 is the present constitution of Mexico It was drafted in Santiago de Querétaro by a Constitutional Convention during the Mexican Revolution. It was approved by the Constitutional Congress on February 5, 1917. Many articles had changed in 2005 by the senate of Mexico. This constitution is follow by the federated states of Mexico.
As you know the constitution day is one of the Mexico’s public holidays, obviously commemorating the promulgation of the constitution. Although the anniversary is the February 5, it is celebrated the first Monday of February. The constitution was promulgated during the Mexican revolution. The first Mexican constitution is the one of 1824.
Generally speaking, the Constitution has laws about everything for example. Education, the equality between men and women, labour laws, etc.
I think this is quit enough for you to read and know. Hope you like it, Good luck for all of you.

Alan 401

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